Dedicated To You, Vol ( ), 2020 mixed media, digital collage, in collaboration with Gabriella Sanchez

Wheels in Motion, (group show) Henry Art Gallery Seattle

Wheels in Motion, (group show) Museum of Flight, Seattle

For Dedicated To You, Vol. () *, Gabriella Sanchez and Se Young Au reflected on the cycle of life together, as a way to collectively remember deceased loved ones and imagine possibilities in new futures. Having lost family members to the cycle of incarceration, both artists have witnessed the consequences of the criminal justice system that disproportionately targets people of color. Sanchez and Au employ color, form, and texture to envision a space for their loved ones to be viewed as fully human and exist beyond prison and death.

Dedicated To You, Vol. () * is an adaptation of radio call-in song dedications in the style of Art Laboe and the El Monte public dances, cathartic community events. The artists insert references dedicated to their loved ones the words "Everything is Everything. After 'death' (written in wingdings) must come spring" alludes to Lauryn Hill's song Lost One, a favorite singer of Sanchez's father, though changing the lyric from "after winter" to "after death."

They write, "Throughout the piece you'll also see repeated calls to nature, connecting our reality in power of that truth and seeing ourselves as a reflectionof the natural world, which further links themes of life cycle: growth, spring and rebirth….Symbols of somewhere beyond Earthly dwelling but also rooted in the celebration of hope in the transcendence of place... This acts as our edication.



